FTAAA got what it deserve

You reap what you sow.


In ever changing times where runner are looking for more distance, support , peak experiences during and after the event. Where revenue comes in from both sponsors and the participants is bound that you FTAA will only lose your hold once runners starts talking after the event.Well aware of the quality of FTAA planning and also the resources of not putting enough thoughts for the runners.

I had an experience of being shouted at and being in an argument with a representative for me stepping into the path line to support my frends in the last KLIM 08.

Lets be clear here , if your goona let your whole family tree and village to run the event. Be prepared for you will only have such event fit for your own pride and not for the runners.

at Friday, February 06, 2009 0 comments  

Distance of Truth

Check out minute 1.08. if you think ur hardcore enough.

at Wednesday, February 04, 2009 0 comments  

Sport Psycho Part 2: Peak Moment

Another way that exercise can add to the quality of life is by offering opportunities to experience peak moments.Peak moments provide a base for vivid, fulfilling, often reviewed memories that help define individuals’ lives and give them meaning. The feeling dimension ranges from one extreme of misery to the opposite extreme of ecstasy The performance dimension ranges from an extreme of total failure to personal best. The center of the figure is neutral and typifies many everyday experiences consisting of average performance and neutral feelings. The entire top right quadrant of the feeling and performance model depicted in the picture above contains diverse yet somewhat similar peak moments that tend to occur in physical activity.

A peak performance is spontaneous, represents superior functioning, reflects a high standard of accomplishment, and can result from a wide variety of activities.

A peak experience reflects a psychological state that includes intense joy and happiness. It can be any experience that evokes strong, positive affective states such as peace,great joy, illumination, loss of self, or ecstasy Peak experiences are memorable, fulfilling, and personally meaningful moments that affect the quality of life.

The concept of flow,described as a positive psychological state and contributorto quality of life. The model describes flow as a delicatebalance between personal skill and task demands.
Demands of the task, the task is too easy, and boredom may occur. If an individual’s exercise ability is inadequate forthe task, the task is too difficult and is associated with anxiety. Apathy results if both perceived challenge and skilllevel are low. Flow results when the demands of the taskrequire intense concentration and when there is a matchbetween personal ability or skill and the demands of thetask.

The exerciser’s high is a specific type of peak experiencecharacterized by euphoria, a heightened sense of well-being, unusual perceptions of strength and power, aglimpse of perfection, and even spirituality. Runners, in particular, tend to report occasionallyexperiencing peak moments and a euphoric state while exercising. This experience extends to other activities (eg Cycling , Climbing) and can be broadened to exerciser’s high

at Wednesday, February 04, 2009 0 comments  

Sport Psycho Part 1 : Staleness

Overtraining and Staleness

Overtraining is “a process involving progressively increased training to a high absolute level that is in excess of more routine training undertaken to maintain performance”.The purpose of overtraining is to enhance physical performance, and it may be incorporated into the training process. Research on over-training has been conducted primarily with athletes, but the findings from these investigations may generalize to individuals who exercise at extreme levels. For both athletes and exercisers who over-train, knowing the optimal amount of training or exercise is often difficult but crucial for their level of performance and for quality of life. Too much training can detract from the quality of life Although various moderating factors may influence a person’s response to overtraining usually occurs when there is an imbalance between training and recovery.

Psychological Responses to Overtraining

During periods of light training, athletes and exercisers tend to report the desirable iceberg profile.However, research examining mood state responses to long duration overtraining (e.g., several months) in swimmers have found that progressive increases in training volume were associated with greater mood disturbance,and decreases in training volume were associated with an improvement in mood.The dose response relationship between mood states and changes in training levels has been reported with shorter periods of overtraining (e.g., 6 weeks or less) and in other sport settings with different overtraining regimens.If the imbalance between training and recovery persists for a lengthy period of time, staleness may occur. Staleness is a severe negative response to overtraining characterized by longterm decrement in performance capacity and dys-regulation of psychological and physiological states Individuals suffering from staleness have a decreased quality of life and may also be clinically depressed. The only proven treatment for staleness is rest.

at Tuesday, February 03, 2009 0 comments